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Now that you are done with all the assignments, it is time to prepare for evaluations and get that shiny certificate!

Prerequisites For Apply For Evaluations

You must have passed the first 3 assignments and submitted the final open-ended assignment (Day 4) in order to proceed with the evaluation.

When To Apply For Evaluations

The sooner, the better. But make sure you have practiced enough and are confident with all the topics mentioned in the syllabus (check the schedule page) so that you donโ€™t have to go through multiple rounds of evaluation ๐Ÿ˜‰

How To Apply For Evaluations

Visit the enrolled batches page on, select your batch, and click on schedule evaluation button:

Schedule Evaluation Button Screenshot

You will be asked to pick a date and time slot for evaluation call.

The Evaluation Call

This will be a 1-on-1 Google Meet call with the evaluation (usually 45-60 minutes), where the evaluator will start by discussing your final assignment, and then moving to asking you questions one by one.

What Type Of Questions?

This can be simple questions like:

  • What is the field in the backend that tells you about the submission state of a submittable doctype?
  • What is the difference between a script and query report?

And questions to test that you know how some stuff works behind the scenes in Frappe Framework:

  • Can you open up MariaDB console and write a SQL query to get all the fields and values of the System Settings DocType?
  • How are child tables linked to their parent?

Make sure you have gone through all the essential readings and viewings linked in the handouts!

Certificate Release

Once you pass the evaluation(s), we will release the certificate in a day or two and you will become a Certified Frappe Developer! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰


  1. What if I donโ€™t pass in the first evaluation call?

Answer: We will share the list of topics that you were not confident about and ask you to prepare those. Once you are ready with those topics, you can apply for another round of evaluation.

More Questions

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