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Day 1


Welcome to Day 1 folks! In today’s training you learned a lot about the concept of a DocType. Now it is time for you to explore and practice more!


Before proceeding with this exercise, make sure you do the following:

  1. Create a new site in your local machine / bench
  2. Enable developer mode on this site
  3. Create a new custom app and install it on the above mentioned site (you can name the app airplane_mode).

Exercise: Airplane Mode

Let us model a hypothetical flight ticket system while learning a few new concepts on the way!

Airline DocType

Since, you now know how to create a new DocType, go ahead and create one with the following specs:



Naming Rule

Set by User


  1. Founding Year (Int, Non-negative)
  2. Customer Care Number (Data, Mandatory)
  3. Headquarters (Data, Mandatory)

This DocType (master) will be used to store the data for an Airline. For example, AirAsia, IndiGo etc.

Go ahead, create a few sample records for this.

Airplane DocType



Naming Rule Naming Expression: Name should be of the form: IndiGo-013, AirAsia-006 etc. where the first part is the name of the airline


  1. Model (Data, Mandatory)
  2. Airline (link to Airline DocType, Mandatory)
  3. Capacity (Int, Non-negative, Mandatory)

This DocType will be used to store a particular flight/airplane of a given Airline. Since, an airline can have multiple airplanes, a link field is used to link every airplane to a given airline. This is a one-to-many relationship, since a particular airplane can belong to only one airline.

Airport DocType



Naming Rule

Set by user


  1. Code (Data, Mandatory)
  2. City (Data, Mandatory)
  3. Country (Data, Mandatory)

This DocType will be used to store the master data for airports.

Flight Passenger DocType

This DocType will be used to store the details of a passenger/traveler.


Flight Passenger

Naming Rule

Auto Incrementing Integers: 1, 2, 3, etc.


  1. First Name (Data, Mandatory)
  2. Last Name (Data)
  3. Date Of Birth (Date, Mandatory)


  • The First Name should be the title field
  • Title field should be shown in link fields

Let’s Learn Fetch From

The fetch from feature is a very handy tool when you want to fetch some fields of a DocType to another DocType where it is linked. Let me show you Fetch From in action:

Airplane Ticket DocType

Now this a very core DocType! This DocType must be a Submittable DocType.


Airplane Ticket

Naming Rule

Naming Expression: Name should be of the form: IndiGo-013-BLR-to-BOM-002 where IndiGo-013 is the airplane name, BLR is the code of the source airport and BOM is the code of the destination airport


  1. Passenger (link to Flight Passenger, Mandatory)
  2. Source Airport (link to source Airport, Mandatory)
  3. Destination Airport (link to destination Airport, Mandatory)
  4. Source Airport Code (fetched from Source Airport, Read-only, Mandatory)
  5. Destination Airport Code (fetched from Destination Airport, Read-only, Mandatory)
  6. Flight (link to Airplane DocType, Mandatory)
  7. Departure Date (Date, Mandatory)
  8. Departure Time (Time, Mandatory)
  9. Duration of Flight (Duration, Mandatory)

The form should look identical to the screenshot below, along with the column and section breaks:

Airplane Ticket Form View


  • Any changes to a document of this DocType should be tracked.
  • The source and destination airport codes should be visible in the list view
  • Departure Date should be in the standard list view filters

Document States

Connections / Linked Documents

Ticket Status

  • Add a new field named Status (Select, Mandatory) in your Airplane Ticket DocType. The options should be: Booked, Checked-In, Boarded. The default should be Booked.
  • Map the status to colors according to the below shown mappings:
    1. Booked: Gray
    2. Checked-In: Purple
    3. Boarded: Green

Airline Connection

  • Add a connection link in the Airline DocType that links to all the Airplanes of this airline:

Screenshot showing airplane connection link

  • Add a connection link in the Passenger DocTypes that links to all of her Airplane Tickets:

Screenshot showing ticket connection link

Airplane Mode Workspace

Start by reading this documentation on Workspaces in Frappe Framework.

Create a new workspace with 3 shortcuts as shown below:

Airplane Mode Workspace with links exercise

  • Airlines: Shortcut to Airline DocType List
  • All Passengers: Shortcut to Flight Passenger DocType List
  • All Airplanes: Shortcut to Airplane DocType List

Submission [Mandatory for Certification]

Go to your custom app where you have created the above mentioned DocTypes and compress the files airplane.json, airline.json, airplane_ticket.json and flight_passenger.json to a .zip archive.

Visit this portal to submit your assignment.

If you have any problems in submitting the assignment or find a bug in the portal, please drop me an email at

Essential Reading List

[BONUS] Would like to get more practice?

If you want to tackle some more challenges, you can try to achieve the following:

  1. Use a tool like Postman or Insomnia or curl to talk to the REST API to perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operation on Airline and Airplane DocTypes.

  2. Create a new Web Page (using Web Page DocType) accessible at /about-me route with a Hero section and cards section identical to the one in the screenshot:

Screenshot of About me web page

  1. Use the Data Import tool to import 5 new Airline records into the system.

  2. Use the Data Export tool to export all the Airplane Ticket documents (be sure to create some test records first!) as a CSV file.