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Child Table Data in Columns


An example of a report that shows the child table values in a single row with the parent data. Also, columns can be dynamic.

Use Case

Suppose we have a demo DocType named Credit Card EMI which has the following fields:

  1. Customer Name
  2. Total Amount
  3. Scheme: 3/6/12 Months
  4. EMIs: Child table with EMIs based on the scheme

Here is a screenshot showing the form view:

Screenshot of Credit Card EMI Doctype form view

The Report

We want to create a report that has this EMIs in different columns, like shown below:

Credit Card EMI Summary Report

The Script

import frappe
# maximum number of EMIs for a Credit Card EMI
# case when EMI is paid in 1 year
def execute(filters=None):
columns = get_columns()
data = get_data(filters)
return columns, data
def get_columns():
columns = [
"label": "Credit Card EMI",
"fieldname": "credit_card_emi",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Credit Card EMI",
"label": "Customer Name",
"fieldname": "customer_name",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"label": "Scheme",
"fieldname": "scheme",
"fieldtype": "Data",
# 1 column for each EMI
for i in range(1, NUM_MAX_EMI + 1):
"label": "EMI {}".format(i),
"fieldname": "emi_{}".format(i),
"fieldtype": "Data",
"options": "EMI",
return columns
def get_data(filters=None):
data = []
credit_card_emis = frappe.get_all(
"Credit Card EMI", fields=["name", "customer_name", "scheme"]
for credit_card_emi in credit_card_emis:
row = {
"customer_name": credit_card_emi.customer_name,
"scheme": credit_card_emi.scheme,
# get all EMIs (child items) for the Credit Card EMI
emis = frappe.get_all(
fields=["amount", "due_date", "paid", "idx"],
# e.g. emi_1 = 1000, emi_2 = 2000, emi_3 = 3000, etc.
for emi in emis:
row["emi_{}".format(emi.idx)] = format_currency(emi.amount)
# set rest of the EMI columns to "-"
for i in range(1, MAX_EMI + 1):
if "emi_{}".format(i) not in row:
row["emi_{}".format(i)] = "-"
return data
def format_currency(value, currency="INR"):
return frappe.format_value(value, df={"fieldtype": "Currency"}, currency=currency)

Optimizing The Data Fetching

If you observe the get_data() method, you will see we are calling the frappe.get_all method to get child items for each Credit Card EMI doc, which means 1 DB call per document (O(n) in computer sciency terms).

We can use the Query Builder to reduce this to just one database call (query is highlighted):

def get_data_with_qb(filters=None):
data = []
credit_card_emi = frappe.qb.DocType("Credit Card EMI")
emi = frappe.qb.DocType("EMI")
query = (
.on(emi.parent ==
emi_items =
# group EMI items by Credit Card EMI
credit_card_emi_items = {}
for emi_item in emi_items:
credit_card_emi_items.setdefault(emi_item.credit_card_emi, []).append(emi_item)
# create a row for each Credit Card EMI
for credit_card_emi, emi_items in credit_card_emi_items.items():
row = {
"credit_card_emi": credit_card_emi,
"customer_name": emi_items[0].customer_name,
"scheme": emi_items[0].scheme,
# create a column for each EMI
for emi_item in emi_items:
row["emi_{}".format(emi_item.idx)] = format_currency(emi_item.amount)
# set rest of the EMI columns to "-"
for i in range(1, MAX_EMI + 1):
if "emi_{}".format(i) not in row:
row["emi_{}".format(i)] = "-"
return data

We had to add more data processing on the Python side though.